Painting & Caulking High-Rise Buildings, Commercial & Residential

Professional Team, Licensed, Certified, Insured, Experienced, Heights & Safety Trained

High-Rise Building Painters with Paint Rollers in Swing Stage Lift Cage. Tall Multi-Unit Residential and/or Commercial Buildings. London Ontario high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

Exterior Painting and Caulking

High-Rise Painting Contractors

In & Beyond London Region

High-Rise apartment building painters and caulkers working on a tall downtown London high rise apartment building. Tall multi-unit residential and/or commercial building in downtown London Ontario. A high-rise exterior painting and caulking project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario contractor.

Painting Tall Building Exteriors

No Projects Too Big

Phone Us with Your Requirements

High-Rise building swing stage rigging / weights. A London Ontario high-rise exterior painting and caulking project by Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd., a Southwestern Ontario high-rise painting, caulking and coating contractor.

High-Rise Swing Stage Rigging

Exterior Prepping, Painting, Coating, Caulking

by Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd.

High-Rise apartment building painters and caulkers working on a tall downtown London high rise apartment building. Tall multi-unit residential and/or commercial building in downtown London Ontario. A high-rise exterior painting and caulking project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario contractor.

Serving Large Property Owners

in London Region & Beyond

Since 2010

High rise building exterior painter with a caulking gun caulking windows on a weigh stage rig. A commercial and multi-unit residential high-rise exterior renovation, refresh, update - painting, caulking and coating. A high-rise painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd.

High-Rise Exterior Caulking

Windows, Balconies, Frames & Concrete Joints

Variety of Sealing & Waterproofing Products

High-Rise Apartment Building Painters. Tall Multi-Unit Residential and/or Commercial Buildings. London Ontario high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

New Construction High-Rise Painting & Caulking

Safety Equipped, Certified, Fully Trained & Licensed

Large Variety of Coatings & Paints

Performance Painting crew leader setting up a swing stage rig lift system on a roof of a tall multi-unit residential and/or commercial building in London Ontario. A high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd., a London Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

Engineered Swing Stage Rigging

For Elevated Platform Work & Heights

Get in Touch with Performance

High-Rise apartment building painters and caulkers working on a tall downtown London high rise apartment building. Tall multi-unit residential and/or commercial building in downtown London Ontario. A high-rise exterior painting and caulking project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario contractor.

Phone Ahead & Inquire

About Our Availability

Schedule Your Project Early

High rise building exterior painter, painting with a roller on a weigh stage rig. A commercial and multi-unit residential high-rise exterior renovation, refresh, update - painting, caulking and coating. A high-rise painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd.

High-Rise Exterior Restoration

Wide Variety of Paints & Masonry Coatings

Serving Southwestern Ontario

High-Rise apartment building painters and caulkers working on a tall downtown London high rise apartment building. Tall multi-unit residential and/or commercial building in downtown London Ontario. A high-rise exterior painting and caulking project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario contractor.

Inquire About Our

Prepping, Coating, and Stucco Services

For Performance, Phone Us

High-Rise Apartment Building Painters. Tall Commercial Buildings. A high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a Southwestern Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

Exterior Power Washing

High-Rise Restoration

Stucco, Parging & Concrete Repairs

High-Rise Apartment Building Painters. Tall Multi-Unit Residential and/or Commercial Buildings. London Ontario high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

Serving New Construction Sites

Working with Architects, Engineers & Developers

Getting the Job Done Right

High-Rise Apartment Building Painters. Tall Multi-Unit Residential and/or Commercial Buildings. London Ontario high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

Elevated Platform / Work & Height Trained

Engineered Rigging

Inquire About Your Specific Requirements

High-Rise apartment building painters and caulkers working on a tall downtown London high rise apartment building. Tall multi-unit residential and/or commercial building in downtown London Ontario. A high-rise exterior painting and caulking project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario contractor.

Fully Trained for Suspended Platform Work

Work and Heights Ready

Phone Us to Arrange a Consultation

High rise building exterior painter, painting with a roller on a weigh stage rig. A commercial and multi-unit residential high-rise exterior renovation, refresh, update - painting, caulking and coating. A high-rise painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd.

Masonary Surface Sealers

Weather-Resistant Protection for Exterior Surfaces

Wide Selection of Self-Priming High-Build Coatings

High-Rise Apartment Building Painters. Tall Multi-Unit Residential and/or Commercial Buildings. London Ontario high-rise exterior painting project by Performance Painting and Caulking, a London Ontario high-rise painting contractor.

Exterior Power Washing, Coating & Painting

High-Rise Buildings, Balconies, Architectural Features

Protective Coatings & Masonary Paints

At Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd., we have been painting, coating and caulking high-rise apartment building exteriors and tall commercial buildings in and beyond London region for well over a decade. We offer wide selection of paints as well as membrane and waterproofing products such as weather-resistant masonry coatings and more.

We focus on painting exteriors of high-rise buildings, commercial, residential and institutional, but have also worked on painting interiors and coating concrete floors, especially large parking garages, work that usually included shot blasting and or grinding to prep the surface.

Performance Painting and Caulking Ltd., Rajesh, high-rise exterior painting contractor.Let our work tell our story. Check out our high-rise painting, caulking and masonry coating project photos, testimonials, and phone us to inquire about quotes or with any questions you may have regarding the services we offer.

For performance, phone us.

Office: 519 868-1414